Saturday, January 17, 2015


Eddie Negrete
Period 5


The theme of the film GATTACA, the theme that stands out to me most is the theme of Human Spirit. Time and time again the movie shows how this theme is important.

Jerome is genetically engineering to be perfect, but is certainly not. He is built with all the traits to be an astronaut, except for the part where he actually wants to be an astronaut. Jerome has no desire to be what he was designed to be, so all of his skills go to waste. A person needs to have the spirit and the dreams to fulfill their calling.

Vincent, on the other hand, actually grows up to be an astronaut. Vincent had dreams and goals and had his mind set to meet those dreams and goals. He wasn't going to let anything in his path stop him. He had to overcome obstacles and people tell him that he can’t become an astronaut, but he looked past it and kept on going. Vincent found a way to actually meet his goals. All he had to have was the spirit to push him.

Jerome and Vincent are two different people with two different dreams and goals. Vincent has high hopes that seem impossible to everyone else, but he achieves greatness. Vincent just wants to die and drink all the time, but helps Vincent reach his goals.

Jerome was engineered with practically everything he needed in order to be successful, but was missing the desire to do so. Vincent is an example of a person with great human spirit because with all his circumstances, he still achieved what he wanted to. This film is a great representation of how important of a trait Human Spirit is.

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