Thursday, November 13, 2014

Enzyme Lab Report

Enzyme Lab Worksheet


I believe that the higher pH level of the solution is there will be a faster rate of reaction and the lower the pH level is there will be a slower rate of reaction.
Independent Variable:

pH level
Dependent Variable:
bubble reaction speed

Controlled Variables:
Hydrogen Peroxide
Justification of hypothesis:

Why did you choose this as your hypothesis?
I thought the higher the pH the faster rate of reaction because they more acidic the substance would create a faster reaction speed because like chemicals that explode or fizz when mixed normally have higher pH levels.
Materials (Your Team’s Experiment):
-5-10 grams of bindweed, vines with leaves
-20 mL of water
-mortar and pestle
-300 liter beaker
-Distilled water
-Hydrogen Peroxide
-1 paper towel(used for filtration)
-Glass test tubes
-Small plastic ruler
-Safety goggles
-HCI pH 2-3 or any acid solution with the same pH
-HCI pH 3-4 or any acid solution with the same pH
-NaOH pH 10 or any alkaline solution with the same pH
-NaOH pH 12 or any alkaline solution with the same pH

1)First put 10 grams of bindweed into the mortar
2)Mush up the bindweed together until there are no solids
3)Add 20 mL of water into the mortar
4)Mush it up more for about 2 minutes more
5) Place a napkin over the beaker and filter the bindweed
6)Lightly squeeze the liquid out into the beaker from the paper towel
7)Make sure no solids come out
8)Take 10mm of the bindweed solution in a syringe
9)Put it into the test tube
10)Add 5mm of hydrogen peroxide into the bindweed solution
11)Time and record the data of how much the mixture fizzes until it reaches it’s maximum
12)Redo procedures 1 through 11 but now using HCI pH 2-3, HCI pH 3-4, H2O pH 7, NaOH pH 10, and NaOH pH 12 in place of the hydrogen peroxide

Our experiment went well but the most challenging part for my group was filtering the bindweed. Squeezing gently without making a whole or letting any pieces out was complicated. We had to redo it about three times before being able to continue. After getting through that we were able to start collecting data. It happens quickly so you have to pay attention. we would have one person call out times, while another says aloud the rate as another person wrote down the data. Abiotic factors influence the rates of enzymatic reactions by making them faster, biotic factors influence the rates of enzymatic reactions by making them slower.
Detailed Steps:
1)First put 10 grams of bindweed into the mortar
2)Using the mortar, mash up the bindweed together until there are no solids
3)Add 20 mL of water into the mortar
4)Mush it up more for about 2 minutes more until it is like mud and pasty
5) Place a napkin over the beaker and filter the bindweed
6)Lightly squeeze the liquid out into the beaker from the paper towel
7)Make sure no solids come out
8)Take 10mm of the bindweed solution in a syringe
9)Put it into the test tube
10)Add 5mm of hydrogen peroxide into the bindweed solution
11)Time and record the data of how much the mixture fizzes until it reaches it’s maximum
12)Redo procedures 1 through 11 but now using HCI pH 2-3, HCI pH 3-4, H2O pH 7, NaOH pH 10, and NaOH pH 12 in place of the hydrogen peroxide
Data and Results:

In conclusion we learned that the higher the acidic level the faster reaction rate and the lower the pH level the slower the reaction rate. Our hypothesis was proven correct with our data from the graph above.

1 comment:

  1. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    Enzyme Lab e-Report Evaluation Summary: Angelina T

    Title: 1.5/2 (“Worksheet” should not be in the title of a formal lab report)

    Introduction: 0/2 (None found)

    Purpose: 0/2 (None found)

    Hypothesis: 1.5/2 (You did not refer to what you were actually testing on [the peroxidase enzyme])

    Materials: 2/2 ()

    Procedure: 9/10 (why did you list your procedure twice?)

    Observations/Data: 5/10 (No raw data, only a graph)

    Data Analysis: 0/10 (none shown, no mention in discussion)

    Discussion: 2/10 (Future experiments? Unanswered questions? Improvements to this experiment?)

    TOTAL: 21/50

    COMMENTS: See above
