Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Blog Posts Assignment #4

Our Brassica depends on abotic factors such as sunlight, oxygen, water, and soil to help them grow. biotic factors such as tiny insects help our plant to sprout. I know my plants is engaged in competitions by the shape and height of the other plants around it and they all compete for sunlight too so they both fight for light energy. My plants competition are the taller grassy plants in front of it. You can tell who the loser and winner are in competition by which plants is almost dead or if there is less of it. It is hard to tell who is the winner and loser when they equally look dead and unhealthy, and at the very beginning of the competition. Other interactions my plant is involved in are that the insects that live on/around it for shelter. These insects use our brassica for food and resources. Without our plant they would have to fine other shelter and food. The soil that our plants are in has already been used for gardening so secondary succession has started because in the previous years there were plants that had grown there but over the summer they had died. If it was primary succession there would be no healthy soil for growing plants.

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